
I wish to thank the many colleagues and individuals who have given generously of their time and talents to make this project possible. I am grateful to:

Mrs. Sarah Prince,
for her kind permission to undertake the digitization of the Gaskell journal
Dissertation Guidance Committee:
Dr. Zarena Aslami, Associate Chair of Graduate Studies | Associate Professor of English, Michigan State University, Graduate Committee Chair
Dr. Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Principal Investigator and Technical Coordinator of the Digital Mitford Project, Program Chair of Digital Media, Arts, and Technology | Professor of Digital Humanities | Director of the Digital Humanities Lab, Pennsylvania State University Erie, The Behrend College
Dr. Stephen Arch, Professor of English, Michigan State University
Dr. Robin Silbergleid, Associate Professor of English | Director of Creative Writing, Michigan State University
Dr. Judith Stoddart, Professor of English | Interim Associate Provost of Graduate Education and Dean of Graduate School, Michigan State University
English Department, Michigan State University
College of Arts & Letters, Michigan State University
Digital Mitford Coding School
I am indebted to the Digital Mitford Coding School, and especially to Dr. Beshero-Bondar, for my introduction to and training in TEI coding methods and principles. At the time I attended in 2016, the Coding School was held at the University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg.
Brotherton Library Special Collections
John Rylands Library Special Collections
2018 Institute for the Editing of Historical Documents:
Dr. Ondine LeBlanc, Worthington C. Ford Editor of Publications, Massachusetts Historical Society
Dr. Cathy Moran-Hajo, Associate Editor / Assistant Director of the Jane Addams Papers Project, Ramapo College
Dr. Jennifer Stertzer, Director of the Center for Digital Editing, University of Virginia
Dr. Nick Wasmoen, Visiting Assistant Professor of Digital Scholarship and English, University of Buffalo
I also wish to thank my colleagues at the Institute, who were my first audience for this project:
Kathryn Blizzard, Kate Bredeson, Bronwen Arthur, M. Kelly Carr, Kim Curtis, Sinikka Elvington, Gwen Fries, Jolynn Goertz, David Gregory, Deborah Gussmann, Christian Heimburger, Sarah Ketchley, Shawn Moore, Pia Russell, Madison Santmeyer, Natalie Smith, Dana Stefanelli, Jane Tottenham, Constanze Weise, and Andrew Wiley.
Michigan State University Colleagues in the Digital Humanities, especially:
Dr. Scout Calvert, Data Librarian
Robin Dean, Digital Projects Librarian
Dr. Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Director of Digital Humanities
Megan Kudzia, Digital Scholarship Librarian
Kristen Mapes, Assistant Director of Digital Humanities
Dr. Natalie Phillips, Assistant Professor | Director of the Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab
Dr. Scott Schopieray, Assistant Dean for Academic and Research Technology
University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg Digital Humanities Students:
DH Praxis Group, Spring 2018
Stacey Triplette, for assistance with the TEI encoding
Alyssa Argento, for assistance with the encoding of the site
Amber Peddicord, for assistance with the encoding of the site
External Support:
Dr. Diane Duffy, Gaskell House Museum, for assistance in locating personography data
Dr. Jessica Kane, Assistant Professor, Albion College, for ongoing support and encouragement
Amber Schafer, for the creation of the header image
Dr. Joanne Shattock, for assistance with personography research
Dr. Amanda Visconti, creator of the Infinite Ulyssees Digital Edition, for paving the way through her exemplary set of models for creating a digital dissertation
Dr. Jeffrey C. Witt, Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland, for assistance with IIIF implementation